Two pilots have been grounded after they abused a stewardess and pushed her around the cockpit when she refused them ‘personal favours’ on an Air India flight.

Passengers of IC844 certainly got some in-flight entertainment they wouldn’t forget when a stewardess emerged from the cockpit at 30,000ft claiming that the pilots had attempted to ‘molest’ her.

A fellow crew member stepped in and a mid-air brawl between the pilots and cabin crew broke out following the allegation by the stewardess that she had been “abused, manhandled and assaulted in an undignified way”.

In the pilots’ defence they have argued that the claims of abuse are false, and that the subsequent fight was in fact started by a male member of the cabin crew.

Whichever version of events is true, the disagreement is said to have begun before the flight took off from Sharjah, in the United Arab Emirates. Luckily both sides of the disagreement managed to put aside their differences, and the flight landed safely in Delhi, India.

Air India has launched an internal investigation into the claims and counterclaims which have been received from both parties involved. Air India has also released the results of its preliminary enquiry into the brawl, stating that “the cockpit was not left unmanned,” and at no time were the passengers placed in any danger.

Delhi Police have received a statement from the female stewardess involved, with claims that she was ‘abused and pushed’ in the cockpit after she refused them ‘personal favours’.

The Joint Commissioner of Delhi Police, Satyendera Garg, has commented to reporters that the “air hostess sustained bruises and injuries to her hand”.

In the meantime both pilots as well as two members of the cabin crew have been grounded until further notice.

With so-called ‘air-rage’ becoming more common on flights and reports of mid-air brawls increasing, it would seem that even the crew are not above such behaviour.